Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Next Class

Hello everyone. It is getting down to the wire here with my other school, thus my complete lack of anything on here! I'm really sorry! Just wait until May and I'll be all over it =]

As for my next class, I am planning on Saturday, May 3rd. This class will be at my house and will cost $2 per person. The plan is for it to last two hours because I have to discuss two different topics. The time is currently to be determined because I do not know when I work that day yet. I should be finding out soon though and can let you know. Hope you plan on attending. Any questions let me know! =]


Gwyn said...

i do love you and your talks, but i cannot come....we are going to the CORE that day w/ the youth group.....

Anonymous said...

Julie, I'm sorry, but we will be in Lansing (or coming back from there)that evening. We are going to a homeschooling conference from Friday to Saturday.
